Building An Emergency Kit
Once you have your Emergency Plan in place, it’s now time to start gathering items that you might for your emergency kit. Some of these will include basic survival items such as food and water. Others might be specific items that are needed based on the details of your Emergency Plan.
You can’t live without it. In fact, you won’t live longer than three to five days without it. You should consider keeping one gallon of water per person, per day. You’ll need to store at least 3 days worth of water. So, for a family of four, you would need at least 12 gallons. If you live in a warmer area, or have sick or elderly people to take care of, you may need more. Keep a supply of cups ready, as well. Information about water treatment for storage can be found at
While you can live longer without food than you can without water, it is still an essential necessity, especially in times of stress such as a disaster. Your food supply should include a 3-day supply of shelf-stable, non-perishable emergency food items. These are products that do not spoil and can be stored for months or even years. HeaterMeals EX is a self-heating, shelf-stable emergency food product, with a shelf-life of up to 5 years, based on the production date and your storage temperature.
Emergency Radio
Keep either a battery-powered radio with extra batteries, or one powered with a hand crank. You might also want to consider purchasing a NOAA Weather Radio with a Tone Alert, as well.
Portable Light Source
You’ll need a flashlight and extra batteries. You might also include candles and matches, or a lantern. Remember to keep you matches dry.
First Aid Kit
You can get a basic kit and add things such as anti-biotic ointment, rubbing alcohol, healthcare gloves, a tourniquet, and extra tape.
A Whistle
Use this to signal for help. It’s loud and gets attention.
Keep a dust mask or cotton t-shirt handy to filter the air.
Shelter Items
Have ready some plastic sheeting and duct tape to build a shelter in place.
Store a wrench or pliers to turn off utilities and keep a can opener handy.
Cell Phone
Keep you phone charged, and have an extra battery with a car charger. Some emergency hand crank radios, such as the Acorn, also include a USB port for charging your cell phone.
Family Safety Items
These include sunscreen, bleach for sanitization, and insect repellant.
Personal Hygiene
Keep items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, dental care items, vision products, travel soaps and beauty supplies. Each person will also need at least one change of clothes, extra shoes and socks, and a blanket and pillow.
Pet Needs
If you have pets, then you know they are part of the family, and you need to prepare for them, as well. Keep a 3-day supply of food and water for your pet. You should also have a carrier and a leash handy, and store any needed medications. Keep a bed pet and toys ready, as well.