2010 Homeland Security Grant Program and HeaterMeals

There’s a lot of activity behind the scenes right now in the emergency responders, law enforcement and intelligence arenas. Many of these agencies are busy preparing a rather lengthy application to receive federal funds authorized by the Homeland Security Appropriations, 2010 legislation. There is $1.786 billion available, and agencies have until January 15, 2010 to submit their applications to their State Administrative Agency (SAA).

A suite of five grant programs was announced by FEMA on December 8, 2009 as part of the 2010 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP). The intent of these grants is to serve as a “…primary funding mechanism for building and sustaining national preparedness capabilities.” These grants are available to agencies in urban areas, county governments, and states who apply for the funds, and whose emergency plans meet a particular set of stringent criteria.

The five programs, as described by FEMA are:

  • The State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) with $842 million allocated. This program “…provides funds to build capabilities at the state and local levels and to implement the goals and objectives included in state homeland security strategies and initiatives in their State Preparedness Report.”
  • The Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) for $832.5 million. It “…focuses on enhancing regional preparedness in major metropolitan areas.”
  • Operation Stonegarden (OPSG), the intent of which is to “…enhance cooperation and coordination among local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in a joint mission to secure the United States borders…” will receive $60 million.
  • The Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) “…which supports the integration of emergency management, health and medical systems into a coordinated response to mass casualty incidents caused by any hazard,” was allocated $39.36 million.
  • The Citizens Corps Program (CCP), whose “…mission is to bring community and government leaders together to coordinate community involvement in emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response and recovery,” has $12.48 million.

Each of these programs has dedicated funds “towards law enforcement terrorism prevention-oriented planning, organization, training, exercise, and equipment activities including activities which support the development and operation of fusion centers.” During these training activities, and of course, during times of disaster, personnel will need to be fed and replenished. When preparing your emergency preparedness plans, don’t forget to include HeaterMeals.

HeaterMeals Self Heating Meals and Meal Kits are an attractive alternative to MREs. Each HeaterMeals entree is 50% larger than MREs, with 40% to 60% less sodium, and fewer calories. In addition, our patented self-heating technology ensures that you can have a hot meal anytime, anyplace.

Our Self-Heating Meals and Meal Kits provide you with flexibility during your planning, as well. We provide products with extended storage options such as our HeaterMeals 3 (up to 3 years) and HeaterMeals EX (up to 5 years), so that a hot HeaterMeals entree will be there when you need it most. If storing HeaterMeals at your facility is a challenge for you, then store it at ours. We offer a Vendor Managed Inventory system which allows our customers to store their HeaterMeals inventories at our 114,000 sq. ft. Dry Storage Warehouse until you need them.

The HeaterMeals Plus Meal Kits provide a complete meal, including a beverage, for hard-working emergency responders, and those involved in training exercises. The Cafe2Go Self-Heating Beverage Kit will help replenish personnel by heating 18 cups of your favorite hot beverage, coffee, tea or hot cocoa.

With our healthier, more nutritious entrees, longer shelf-life options, meal kits and Cafe2Go Self-Heating Beverage Kits, and a Vendor Managed Inventory system, HeaterMeals is the logical, ideal choice for feeding during training and emergencies.

Don’t forget to visit us at Facebook and Twitter where you can find updates and news about HeaterMeals.

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