Emergency Preparedness on the Internet
There’s so much information about emergency preparedness that sorting through it can be confusing. In 2013, HeaterMeals wants to help you become more prepared.
To do that, we’re presenting a series of blog articles designed to give you good emergency preparedness information, and to help you be ready for future disasters. If you’re ready, you have a higher likelihood of surviving.
To help sort through all the information available on the internet, we’ve compiled a list of websites where you can find good, solid information on emergency preparedness and survival.
FEMA –www.ready.gov
- Sponsored by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Ready.gov provides information on what to do before, during and after an emergency. There are great tips on how to create an emergency
plan, build an emergency kit, and how to
survive if you’re involved in an emergency.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –http://www.bt.cdc.gov
- This is the CDC’s primary source of information and resources for preparing for, and responding to, public health emergencies. It has information on how to deal with multiple emergency situations. Laid out in an alphabetic sequence, the CDC’s site has tips for dealing with everything from the poison Abrin, to Hurricanes and Tsunamis, to the rare infection Zygomycosis.
USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service –http://www.fsis.usda.gov/FACTSheets/Emergency_Preparedness_Fact_Sheets/index.asp
- This site contains a series of Fact Sheets that help visitors with food related issues as they relate to emergencies, such as:
- Taking the proper steps before, during, and after a weather emergency;
- Food safety during power outages, flood, fire, or national disaster;
- Keeping our nation’s food supply safe against contamination.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) –http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/emergencypreparedness/index.html
- This OSHA site has information to aid preparedness in the workplace. Their Emergency Preparedness and Response pages help businesses prepare before emergencies that would ensure employees and workers, have the necessary equipment, know where to go, and know how to keep themselves safe when an emergency occurs.
The Discovery Channel –http://dsc.discovery.com/survival/how-to-survive/how-to-survive-tips.html
The TV network offers tips on how to be prepared in various situations and adverse conditions:
- Desert
- Disaster
- Cold
- Jungle
- Sea
- How to Make a Fire
- How to get Drinking Water
- This site has a lot of good information on preparedness so that you and your family can survive the first 72 hours after a disaster.
Buy Emergency Foods –http://www.buyemergencyfoods.com/blog/
- Buy Emergency Foods is a company that sells food, water, power equipment and survival kits. Throughout their company blog, you can find really good tips on preparedness and survival.