Healthy Options for Healthcare

Since 2000, HeaterMeals Self-Heating Meals have been serving the health care industry during times of emergency with tasty, nutritious, hot meals.  Our shelf-stable, self-heating entrees are not only a convenience, though.  They also provide the ideal solution for meetingThe Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health care Organizations (JCAHO) EM Standards.

 In addition, Emergency Management Continuity Of Operation (COOP) Plans require health care organizations to have 96 hours worth of food on hand to sustain personnel during an emergency. Storing HeaterMeals EX Self-Heating Entrees, with up to a 5 year shelf-life based on the production date, can fill that requirement, as well.


HeaterMeals contain food that not only tastes good, but is good for you, as well.  Our food is a healthier, tastier choice over other emergency meals. Our entrees feature:
  • No Trans Fats
  • Higher levels of Protein and Fiber
  • Less Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium

In addition, our menu selections make HeaterMeals a viable emergency feeding option for a wide range of ages and dietary needs. Our meal selections include:

  • 3 Chicken Varieties
  • 2 Beef Choices
  • 1 Vegetarian Entree

HeaterMeals EX includes our patented self-heating technology to heat the meal in minutes. In addition, all HeaterMeals EX Self-Heating Entrees come with everything needed to Enjoy a Hot Meal Anytime, Anyplace, including a spoon, napkin, seasonings and a serving tray.


Designed for EXtended storage, our HeaterMeals EX line has a shelf-life of up to five years, based on the production date. They store without the need for refrigeration. We achieve this extended storage through advanced packaging. There are no chemical preservatives added to our entrees.
Storage is simple and minimal, as well. Two Pallets of HeaterMeals EX contain 1440 meals. The pallets are stack-able, reaching a height of 100 inches and the footprint is only 40 x 48 inches. This means a large number of meals can be stored without taking up a large space.

Medical Staff 1THE RIGHT CHOICE:

When faced with tightening budgets, and complying with JCAHO EM Standards, a health care organization must make the right choice.

HeaterMeals offer that choice with our patented self-heating technology, nutritional value that tastes great, extended shelf-life, and a minimal storage footprint…all for around $4 per meal.
When one considers the benefits next to the costs, it becomes clear that HeaterMeals is the ideal choice for meeting JCAHO requirements and COOP 96 Hour Plans.
Posted On
11 Feb, 25

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Emergency and disaster preparedness guide

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