Spring Cleaning for Emergency Preparedness

Is your home ready for the spring storm season?

March 20th is the official beginning of spring and for most American households that means one thing: spring cleaning! It’s the perfect time of year for decluttering and tidying up, but it’s also a great chance to make sure your family is prepared for inclement weather and other natural disasters. Check out the list below to keep your home and your loved ones safe and sound throughout the year.

Check your smoke alarms

The batteries in your smoke detectors should be replaced at least once a year. While you’re at it, test to make sure each one is working, and be sure that you have at least one detector installed on each level of your home

Clear that laundry lint

Built up lint behind the dryer is a major cause of house fires. Use a vacuum hose to remove any stray lint that may be hiding back there. See the step by step instructions to clean out the lint trap inside your dryer here.  

Trim those limbs

Dead trees and rotten branches can pose a major threat during severe storms. High winds can easily pull them down onto your home, causing property damage or injuries. Take the time during spring cleaning to identify and remove limbs and trees that may cause problems around your yard.

Get your weather radio ready for action

Every home should have an NOAA Weather Radio to receive official updates during emergencies. They can be purchased at any electronics store, and the batteries should be replaced at least once a year.

Find your safe place

Identify the best place in your home to take shelter in case of severe weather such as a tornado. Pick a spot on the lowest level of your house (usually the basement if you have one) and try to find a room without any windows. Closets and bathrooms may feel cramped, but they may also be the best place to wait out a storm. Make sure everyone in the family knows where to go when the skies get dark!

Make a plan

Create a plan for your family to meet up in case you are separated during an emergency. Choose a meeting place and a strategy for contacting each other, and make sure everyone knows the plan by heart.

Stock your supplies

A Ready kit is a must-have for a well prepped home. It should contain: water, non-perishable food, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a first aid kit. Keep all of the items together; a duffel bag or backpack works great. Once you’ve put it together, make sure everyone in the family knows where the Ready kit is, and that it’s only to be used in emergencies.


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