The History of HeaterMeals and the American Red Cross

HeaterMeals in Haiti Earthquake 2010When HeaterMeals was first developed, there were no other emergency meals. We were the first shelf-stable, self-heating meal.

A lot of things have changed since then, and through the years we have answered the call from emergency first responders all over the world. We’ve worked with groups of every size, such as: the World Food Programme, FEMA, Feeding America, active and reserve military units, state and county emergency management agencies and the American Red Cross. We’re known for our quick response time capabilities during emergencies, especially our ability to get meals to where they’re needed quickly and efficiently.

The American Red Cross and other emergency agencies use HeaterMeals after severe weather events or other disasters. The self-heating technology allows first responders and those affected by tragedy to have a hot meal, at a time when one would not normally be available. Our familiar menu selections, tasty entrees, and hot food often provide victims with a sense of familiarity, comfort, and gives them an opportunity to reflect on their situation, and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.

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